The pain of changing yourself – Nido Qubein


Nido Qubein talks about change being an opportunity.

Does all change come from within? Does all improvement come from some form of change?

Do you hold yourself back through some form of fear on one level or another?

Why does change have to be a scary thing?

Life changes every day.. our body cells change daily and weekly.. but we still hold on with a fear of the unknown..

A fear of believing in our frailties and inadequacies.

What you focus on you get more of. So focusing on negative elements only brings more of the same.

Isn’t it about time that we all focused on our own greatness, and share it with the world.

What is it you’re depriving the world of by being gripped by self-shrinking fear.

There’s a wonderfully simple process for discovering and uncovering your own greatness. For believing in and nourishing it. We all have goals and things we would love to have in our lives, but deprive ourselves of them through doubt and fear.

It has been said a daring few take the step forward. I think we are all the daring few once we take just one step.

You are a success once you take the first step towards a worthwhile goal.

And at the minute my next goal is lunch.. so I’m going to be taking the first step towards the kitchen. 🙂