Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.

Do you wish life was easier.. the challenges in life were easier..?
If you grew in skills, strengths and capabilities would life’s challenges seem easier?

You can’t change what life throws at you but you can change how you respond to it and deal with it. Are you willing to get better at dealing with life’s challenges.. with a more positive decisive and creative view point.. rather than feeling crushed and weak..?

Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better. Read More »

Volcano’s – Do your tragedies have a funny side?

It’s all over the news (mainly in the UK) the effects of this Icelandic Volcano. Some see it as a tragedy.. but some see it as an opportunity to see the lighter side and find an opportunity to smile and laugh.

I don’t know about you but my life seems to be littered each week with things that appear to be tragedies at first look on the surface.. Like a bloody Volcano stuffing up my flight to Tenerife for a bit of sun on my shiny head..

Volcano’s – Do your tragedies have a funny side? Read More »